wEekeNd aWay

Woke up SuNdaY to a WinTeR wOndErlAnd
SaTurDay nIgHtSatUdAyWe wanted to get out of town, but we only have the couple days to do it so Rick's parent's cabin is the perfect little wEekeNd aWay. We went out with AlYsSa for a bit to shoot. It was the calm before the storm out there. The mountains were all covered with fog and as you can see, it looked awesome. The snow started to come in at dark and the flakes were huge. Dont ask me why my husband decides thats when he wants to build a fire and make smores.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had so much fun!! Loving the pics of you guys with the snow falling!! Those look really cool!!

FuZz and KeNdRa said...

Friend that looks like alot of fun. I miss you we need to do a girls night and im serious i wish our schedules werent so weird. Anyway call me love ya :)