a mErRy wHitE cHriStmAs

cHrisTmAs jAmMieS

cHrIsTmAs mOrniNg

I couldn't wish for a more perfect ChriStMas. Family, snow and a cozy cabin with a fire
We all got spoiled rotten! Highlights for the kids were their trampoline {present for mom as well lol} and a handmade wood gun from Gram and Gramp Prisbrey

uWp cHrIstmAs pArtY

I just never know what kind of silliness this guy will achieve at his cHrisTmaS paRtiEs. I know that I am always in for a treat. From the sincere and touching speeches to letting loose while playing some games, they do it right. Another tiTaN stAirS/UWP cHristMas pArty for the books.  

sAntA, sWiMmiNg and fOotBaLL