gReEn tHuMb

These are my new additions. All these cute little red plants. They look so much better when they grow a bit, but whatever. This is about as grEeN as my tHuMb gets.


Anonymous said...

wahoo! Go Sista! They will look nice when they grow a lil bigger! Good choice!!

FuZz and KeNdRa said...

Friend I love them they are way cute when they get big.


looks nice! I am still here, I look at all your post, just forget to comment! :-)

Ruth said...

Hi Gina! Finally found your blog :D Your flowers ARE so cute--do you know what they're called? xx

RickAndGina said...

K Ruth.... You are so funny. I just went to your blog to leave a comment back and there are no posts. So if you check back this is for you..... Lets get you a post made. ;)