1st wEeK dOwN

I made it through my first week of tRaiNinG, which is more like being back in school. So much to learn and a wonderful test each week to make sure it all sinks in and they don't have to already fire us. I have to say that I absolutely love it! We are in class all week and then on Friday we actually sit in at the dIsPatCh cEnteR and get some otj training. Lucky for me, for the first 6 weeks I get Sat and Sun off so that I can get out of town with little rIchArD. We drove up to Pinto this weekend to meet up with the boys for some hunting. I didn't take any pics (I know, totally unlike me) but I was the only girl and I didn't want to annoy the boys. ;) So back into it all again today for wEek 2, I think we're heading to Cali this weekend. So excited to see Renz and Nick.

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