FriSbEy GoLf

Kendall and all the grandkids set up a Frisbey Golf Course down by the barn for all of us to play. It was so fun! We did relays and our team won so the other team had to bow down to us for the picture.

ChriStMas TreEs

Every Thanksgiving Rick and I go with his family up into the hills in New Harmony and cut down our own Christmas trees. Cody came with us this year and got his own tree too.

whAt iS yOuR VinYl sAyinG

This is my pet-peve! Why on earth would anyone be worried about going "private" with their blog when they are driving around town with a sticker of their family right on the car window? You know what is even better than just the picture? When people actually put names underneath each picture!!!!! Why don't you just invite some perv to kidnap your children. Weren't we taught to never let a stranger know our name, let alone the names of everyone in our family. "Hi Kara. Your mom, Emily asked me to pick you and your brother Scott up from school because she had to pick up little Annie from pre-school." Case and point! Im so sorry if you don't agree, that is up to you. This is just my opinion after all. I think that the idea is darling and perfectly appropriate for a wall in your home, but not on your car for every weirdo to see.

jAzZ vS. pHoeNiX

We went to the Jazz game on Monday with Rick's brother Jeremy and his wife Mer. I was excited because I like the jazz, but I also like Steve Nash (Suns). Im not a big huge sports fan, but Rick got me into watching the Jazz the last two years so I know the players and that makes it way more fun. Thanks Jer & Mer!

aNgeL's LanDiNg.....taKe 2

Rick and I decided to take Cody to hike Angel's Landing on Sunday. I am going to totally recommend doing this hike in the fall. For one, it is much cooler so you don't get so worn out from the heat. And B, the fall colors are awesome.

NeW pIcS

My little sister did such a good job! If anyone would like her number, let me know. Thanks, AnNa!

PBR - LaS VeGas

Professional Bull Riding, for those of you that are like me and wouldn't know what PBR stands for. We had a blast! This was so fun to watch live.


We weren't going to dress up, but then Corey invited us to his party in Vegas so we drove down and got a room. Our costumes were last minute, mine was obviously way less thought out than Rick's. He was a stock broker and I was his psychiatrist. (Appropriate, right?) He even had a suicide note in his pocket. He had quite the act to go along with it. He was popping pills (tic-tacs) all night. He thinks he's so clever.

aNy iNpuT???

Rick and I are going to be celebrating our 2 year anniversary this month so I thought that it would be a good idea to have pictures done to replace all of the engagement/wedding photos that I have all over the house. Also, I want to do some for our Christmas card this year. So here is the BIG question...... How do we, with no kids yet, take "family" pictures and make them not look like engagement pictures? I don't know that there is a way. I am just expecting them to look that way. Any input?

tHe hUmAn YO-YO

We are officially out of control! Rick decided to cut our losses with the mill so we are back in Utah. We are the human equivalent of a yo-yo. I would be mad, but who would be mad about getting to live in San Diego for 2 months doing nothing but laying by the pool and going to the beach. Aside from packing and moving (yuck) it was really just a nice long vacation. Can you tell that I am trying to be really positive about all of this?

bEe KeEpiN'

Rick and his grandpa were doing a little Bee Keepin' up in New Harmony. Is this so random? I can't believe how many bees there were.