hAyEs 1sT bIrtHdaY fUn

This sweet little man had a fun 1st bIrtHdAy. We got to ride the carousel while we were taking his pictures, went to the park to swing {it was way too hot} then we headed over to the condo to cool off in the pool. Hayes is the absolute happiest when he is in water. After a fun swim we headed home for his big birthday cupcake. Even though he stayed very clean, he loved it. 
Hayes is not walking yet, but crawls fast enough to get away from me. He sleeps with mamma and just cut a new tooth, this will make number 7. Will not, for the life of me, take a binki. Loves real people food. Has completely given up on his baby food/rice cereal. He is 24 lbs and wearing 18 month clothes and size 5 shoes {even though his feet are so fat most dont fit} I love to hear him talk and sing to himself when he is trying to fall asleep. He says "mamma" "dadda" "uh oh" and a version of "grandma" that im pretty sure only I can hear.
We love you sweet boy! You are my little fighter.

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