HapPy 29th GiNa

Wow! One year away from the big 30. Its so weird that I dont feel any older than I did at 23 (I certainly look older). Im sure its because I haven't really advanced in life as far as kids and big milestones yet when compared to the normal 29 year old in Utah. Dont get me wrong I would not change anything. We have gotten to do so many fun things and Im glad that we are moving into the next big adventure with baby #1 almost here, but its weird to think that when I was 20 I thought 30 would feel so different, but it really doesn't. Once your past high school or even college, life just kind of blends into itself. It all just becomes a blur. Blur or not, at least I know I've had 29 years worth of good times!


FuZz and KeNdRa said...

Happy Birthday friend!!!!!! Love ya!!!!

Mitch and Linda... said...

Happy Birthday! I agree...after high school every year just seems to blend together. I still feel about 25 & when someone asks me how old I am I forget!!! Can't wait to see this cute little boy coming soon!!

Mitch and Linda... said...
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