itS tHat tiMe AgaiN

Our sweet little doggie sTeLLa will be having another batch of puppies in a couple of weeks. This is a picture of the group she had 2 years ago. Aren't they the cutest ever? Let me know if you know anyone that is interested.


Liz Prisbrey said...

This may be a dumb question, but I don't know much about dogs. What type of dog is Stella?

RickAndGina said...

She is a boxer. They are pure bred but the male we bred her with isn't having any luck getting his paperwork done.

Emily and Josh said...

Such cute puppies. If my husband would let me I would love one. I think all he can handle right now is our child.

Mitch and Linda... said...

Those puppies are so stinkin cute! I showed my girls and they went crazy! But no dogs for us :(


I love boxers. I have wanted one for so long. I don't know if I could handle two dogs right now though. How much are u selling them for