OuR FuN 24tH wEeKeNd

JaCksOn hOLefAmiLy ReuNiOnChErRy hILLWe had such a fun little weekend for the 24th. I drove up North to my parent's on Thursday with my sister because Rick couldn't come up until Friday. We got into town and met my little brother (Kirkie) and my older sister (Sara) and her kids at ChErRy HiLL. Oh yeah buddy! I haven't been there since high school. It was so fun. My little nieces are so brave they want to do everything like the big kids. Thursday night I went to a movie with my mom and dad at the kaYsViLLe TheAter. Everyone from Kaysville will understand this next part, but I was shocked and loved it when everyone in there still said "EWWW" (You know what im talkin about)!
Friday when Rick made it into town he picked me up and we headed to Garland (way Northern Utah) to my grandparent's house for our FaMilY rEuniOn. We all set up tents all over the yard and have a picnic/campout. (at least 60 people) Rick got to be a little farmer when my grandpa told him to take the tractor out for a spin. Boys and their toys!
Saturday we woke up and headed to JacKsOn hOle. We had tickets to see the BarJ Wranglers (id never seen them, but Rick absolutely loves it) We got to wander around town for a couple hours before the show. It was perfect weather. So nice to get out of the heat! The show was awesome! I recommend it to anyone. Best steak I've ever had and their harmony is insane. Good time!
We got a room just out of town in AlPiNe along the sNakE RivEr for the night and headed home on Sunday. So that was our little weekend. Check back in to take a look at the pictures.


So Rick decided that it was time to get his car back out for the summer. This car is so funny! I love it. We bought the car and Rick had the racks custom made and welded on, obviously. You would not believe how many people take pictures of it when we have it out driving around. I don't think they know whether or not its serious. We have got to get a house with more garage space for Rick's little collection. Our poor neighbors.

LakE PoWeLL- 4th oF JuLy

For the 4th of July we headed to LaKe PoWeLL with a few friends. We had some gorgeous weather, aside from the bits of sand storm at night. We had a blast playing on the beach and on the boats and then drove over to the marina to watch the fireworks from the water. We thought we lost Stella though. She got spooked by the fireworks and poor Rick had to hike in the dark and all through the morning with no luck. Im glad she found her way back the next day.

SaN FraNciScO