mErRy cHriStmAs

Im sure you all had a very mErRy chRisTmaS! I hope you have a happy New YeAr as well.

New yOrK, nEw YorK.....iTs a hEll-oF-a tOwN

Rick had to go have some meetings in New Jersey for work so he, Shaun and Brian made a boys-trip out of it. He came in, handed me the camera and said, "here, blog this". Too funny! What on earth could I possibly have to say about it? They went to some sites of course. These pics are of Central Park, Museum of Natural History, Ground Zero Memorial site, Wall St, and all the good stuff. He did say that in the picture of Shaun pointing at the Mamouth, the blonde behind him (that you can hardly see) is Kate Hudson. Well, there ya go. A celebrity sighting. Sounds like they had fun. Im glad they made it home safely.

OuT cUtTinG dOwn tReEs

We went out with Anna and Cody and some of Rick's family to cut down our ChRisTmaS tReE. We do this every Thanksgiving up in New Harmony. This year I wanted tall/skinny and those are hard to come by in that area. We finally got it out of the truck a couple days ago. Rick started to cut some off the bottom, it was a bit too tall, it cut off branches that were very long from the bottom and left us with two big, bald holes. Too funny! I had to decorate around it with furniture and fake wrapped gift boxes to fill them in. I swear, I have the best luck with Christmas trees.

3 dOwN..... hApPy aNniVeRsAry

We made it another year. 3 dOwN! Rick surprised me with a romantic night out. We had the most delicious dinner ever at my fav restaraunt in Mesquite and then got massages. Perfect! These are our new pics this year. We had them done by Errin Andrus and she did an awesome job, we love them. Here's to another year filled with fun adventures babe, love ya.

tHaNsgiVinG WeEkeNd

We had tHanKsgiVinG dinner over at Rick's Grandma and Grandpa's house in town and then spent a couple days with the fam up in New Harmony at the cabin. It is so fun to get together with everyone. We ate until we couldn't eat anymore, decorated ginger bread houses, and kicked jan and Kendall's butts in hand-and-foot. Too fun.

JubiLeE oF tReEs

Well I had a horrible day... in and out of the dentist, yUcK. So Kendra and I had a girls night. We went and checked out the JubiLeE oF tReEs and had some dinner. Nothin' like spending time with my Bff to turn a frown upside-down. Thanks FrIenD.