9 yeAr aNnivErSarY

Where do I even begin? 9 years, 2 kids, 4 homes, 1 dog, and countless memories later... love you babe, because of, despite of and through it all.

sAn dIegO and DeL mAr

We ran down to SaN dIeGo for some gorgeous warm "winter" weather. Have to get to Sea World as many times as we can before they cancel the sHaMu sHow. Its one of our favorite spots to visit. So glad that our boys will have memories of this before it is a totally different experience. 

BucKet LiSt: horse races {wearing fabulous hats} and we did it. We bought some tables and Rick bet on every race. Such a fun day! Everything I was hoping that it would be. Kastle was so sad when Rick ripped some losing tickets that he started crying. Too cute. Rick made up for it with a hot dog and some winning tickets

The weather was too perfect to leave without a stop at the beach. Gorgeous day...... probably the best of the year. Kastle and Rick found some fun things to look at and Hayes got over his aversion to sand on his feet.

haLLoWeEn iN aStoRia

roLOff FaRm