fiRe, fAmiLy aNd tHroWIng RocKs

Rick had some wood he needed to get rid of, what better way than a little camp fire and some rock throwing. Kastle could do that for hours. He is lucky that his GG Benson humors him. 

hOrSe riDiNg leSsoNs

Kastle had his 1st horse riding lesson. He was a little nervous at the beginning, but Jay was so good to help him get to know the horses before they started anything else. Kastle met all the horses, fed them each carrots and got to know Honey before Jay let him ride her. He loved brushing Honey. He kept saying "she's really dirty".

vEgAs oVerNigHteR

Rick got so slammed at work so we had to cancel our SaN dIeGo get away, but we decided to get out and atleast have a night away in vEgaS. We usually stay off the strip to keep it family friendly, but Rick got us a great room with an amazing view. Kastle got to watch the new ferris wheel go around and all lit up and we had front row seats to the VolCanO and fiRe show at the Mirage, all from our room window. Perfect weather to lay by the pool. Got some much needed and so so missed VitAmiN D. In case your wondering this is my 20 wEeK bUmp folks. Half way!

wHeN diD mY baBy gRoW uP

My little guy is so big. Im totally craving this little one on the way now because mY BaBy iS aLL gRoWn uP. He is such a smart, spunky little man. He says the funniest things. Rick and I are constantly laughing and shocked at how much he observes (and copies). He is my entertainment for sure. (If anyone is wondering about the green tape all over my floor... Rick made shapes and letters and Kastle shoots the basketball standing from each one.)

a LiTtLe gOLf, jUst beCaUse

Dont mind that we look like little "raGgaMufFiNs" Kastle had been playing all day at Grandmas and I just got off work and we decided to walk up and hit a bucket at GrEen sPrinGs. Kastle loves it! Im hoping it stays that way and maybe ill never have to watch him get crushed under a football pile ;) (yeah right) Still a little chill in the air. Cant wait for SpRinG to get here. The blossoms on all the trees are such a tease.