gEnder reVeAL pArTy - bAby tRiMm #2




Well it was a fun pArTy to throw, my 1st geNdeR reVeAL party. The wait about killed us both! We got the ultrasound done on TuEsdaY and the party wasnt until tHurSdAy. Cupcakes by Julie was the star of the party with chocolate or raspberry filled cupcakes to tell us the gender of bAby tRiMmeR #2....... Chocolate it was! Boy #2! Three men and a lady up in this house. Even though I was convinced it was a girl, we couldnt be happier.

bUmP uPdaTeS

4 wEeKs

8 wEeKs

14 wEekS

16 WeEkS
I hope no one is offended by the bare belly. I dont love bare belly posts, but for those first couple weeks its about the only way you can see the bump. As we can ALL see, I really popped out between 14 and 16 wEeKs.

weLcoMe tO uTaH nIck,MasOn and jEsS

Had a fun visit from our friends from San Diego. Nick and little Mason brought Jess for her first Southern Utah trip. Took a little ride so the boys could shoot and the kids could run around. Kastle touched the fire pit while we were cooking tin foil dinners. Poor little guy! Burns are the worst. Took the ATV out the next day. Kastle was so worn out on the ride home, he kept that bottle in his mouth like that for the whole ride. I had to keep making sure we didnt lose it on the road.

miNi goLf

KaStLe got his first try at miNi goLf and he loved it. It was a gorgeous day yesterday so we took advantage and played outside. Kastle loves to hit the ball, but only does so many times before he just picks it up and puts it in the hole himself.

pRiMm rAcE - uNdaUntEd

1st race for the new UndAuNted ATV and Tj Lavin. Stayed out at PrImM and got a taste of what these races are like. Tj did an amazing job, but lucked out when the tire came off during the race. We'll get 'em at the next one.