mErRy cHrisTmAs

cHriStmAs sUrpRisE

Let everyone in on our little sEcRet on cHriStmAs eVe. Mommy's due with baby #2!!! We're so excited!

LivE nAtiVitY

cHiLdreN's muSeUm

We went to the new sT gEorGe cHiLdreN's mUseuM for Krew's birthday. The kids all had a blast. This is a really fun place to take them.

sNoW dAy

I never heard what the actual total was, but the storm right after this one gave us 6-8 inches. It was a mess! We are not prepared for weather like this in St gEoRgE. Kastle was pretty cautious of the snow. He didnt appreciate it when Rick layed him down in his snow angel. Takes after his mamma.

hApPy aNniVerSaRy - 7 yEarS

hApPy aNnIverSarY, babe. You are my best friend and I have had too much fun with you for the last 7 years. I am so proud of you and the life that we've created together. Our little family is my whole world. I cant wait to see where we end up. Its for sure never about the destination, but the journey on the way. I love your sense of adventure. You are such a hard worker and the most amazing dad. Thank you for always taking such good care of me. I love you!

tHanKsgiVinG iN sT gEorGe

Grandma and Grandpa Benson hosted an amazing tHankSgiVinG this year in sT gEorGe. Delicious food and the best family. Kastle loved all his little cousins. He was in aw of the babies and made a little buddy. He and Kord were too cute together. We found them outside on the porch and Kastle was feeding Kord pie.