cHriStMaS 2010

We got to spend ChrIsTmaS eVe and early cHriStmAs morning up in New Harmony with Rick's family. I had to work Christmas day so Rick,Cody and I had to wake up early without everyone else so I could get home in time to work. Yuck, huh? Thats life I guess. No breaks for 911. We were so glad that our good friend Cody came up and had Christmas with us though.

cOmpAnY cHriStmAs pArTy

We had such a fun time at our cOmPany cHriStmAs pArtY this year. We combined United Wood and Titan Stairs because we're all basically a big family anyway and we had a blast. One of the games was hilarious and you had to make yourself a reindeer with nylons and balloons. Then for Rick's white elephant gift, he decided it would be funny to wrap a rat in its plastic ball. Well funny yes, but he did not figure for what happens when it has to go to the bathroom. We were passing them around and Jeramy's girlfriend says "this one is all wet" GrOsS!!!

100 yEaR fLoOd..... 5 yEarS LatEr

So we didn't live in our house when the flood came 5 years ago so we had no idea how much fun it would be when it came this time. Especially since they said that this year was even way more water. These pictures are of our subdivision. We line the VirGiN rIvEr..... smart, huh. The 2nd to last pic is showing you the river flowing over the jogging/bike path. It was insane the amount of water. Rick got into his waders to go fill sand bags.