fiRe FigHtEr fOr a dAy

For this last week of our training we have been riding along with the different agencies in the county..... St George PD, Washington County Sheriff, and the Fire Dept. Friday I rode with the St. GeOrgE fiRe dEpt. It was really fun! I was lucky that they were getting so many calls on Friday so I got to ride in the truck the whole day.

oUt oF tOwN

Rick has been oUt oF tOwN on business and I have absolutely nothing interesting going on here. These are the pics that he has sent me of his little trip so far. Too fun. He and Shaun get together and you just never know what could happen. I think he is showing me the edited version. They are staying in Santa Monica and had meetings there and in Anaheim. They were in Hollywood at the Chinese Theater for the pic with (wax)Snoop.

WhAt a cUte bOy

Rick is so cute! I got home from work last night and he had made me dinner. Im not going to lie either, it was better than anything I could do. What a cute surprise. I don't even think he has ever ever cooked for me. We watch Hell's Kitchen every week and he pulled the recipe off the website. It was Pan Seared Black Cod and Scallops with Shitake Mushrooms, Ponzu and Baby Bok Choy. I didn't even know what half of that was. It was such a fun surprise.

SaN diEgO

We took a quick trip down to SaN dIeGo this weekend. Rick had some business to do and I only have weekends off for another couple of weeks before my work schedule changes. It was a short one, but we had a blast. The weather was gorgeous! We played at the beach, did some shopping and went to a Padres game. super fun! Thanks babe.