MoAb - bEar HuNt

The HuNterS and the hUnteD
Fishin' at WaRneR LaKeColoRadO RivErArcHes NatiOnaL ParK...... in the rain.hoLe In tHe RocK museum and petting zoo. Dinner overlooking MoAbWe were in MoAb for Memorial Day Weekend for the bEar HuNt. We were so glad we didn't end up taking the jeep because it was one rainy weekend. We were bear hunting up in the La Sal Mountains above Moab and got to do some site seeing too with Rick's cousin Cason and his girl, Amber down in town. Its really funny to be up there hunting for bears and running the dogs through people set up and camping in tents that obviously have no idea how many Black Bear there are in the La Sal Mountains.

JeEp RiDe ThrU ZioNs

.......And then back down thru CedAr MouNtAin!We drove up thru the 100 degree weather and cliffs in ZioNs with Stella and came back down thru the much cooler weather (and snow) of CedAr MoUntAin.


We drove out to LakE PoWeLL on Friday with Rick's grandma and grandpa for a little overnighter and some fishin'. It was perfect weather! Not the best fishing yet, but I got a good start on my tan. We went back to pack up camp and guess what was waiting for us under the chairs......a rattle snake! yUcK! Of course, Rick had to play with it.